Saturday, December 16, 2017

Cthulhu Cultists

The yellow sweater is so tacky, but he wanted it on, because it matches his eyes...


Monday, December 11, 2017

ACH man's Tumbler

  The ACH man has finally have a tiny new tumbler site you can go if blogging is not your thing. My influence grows Mwa ha ha ha. Thanks for the support! The link to tumbler is at the lower right screen below my twitter link.   :3

Sunday, December 3, 2017

New Changes (for my blog)

     Hey Just wondering how does my new format, background and avatar for my blog look? Does it look sexy or does it suck ass? Working on college and stuff, so sorry for posting really late a lot of times. Though it is a pretty boring Christmas things have been pretty exiting happening where I'm at. Have a nice day and hope to see yea again sometimes soon. :3