Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Interesting Year

       I feel this year might be an interesting one, because its only been about a month and a lot is going on in the United States with the whole president thing and stuffs.

       In January you may have also notice a lack of posts. Man am I lazy sorry for the delay I forget a lot of times and my life problem is that I want to remember the things I forget.  I'll try to do better on my publishing and remembering that this site is more then an internet cobweb collector.

      Though I did sign up to a cool college during my time. Been preparing for that for a while and playing some games that are rare to find. Lastly I used to be at ITT-Technical institute studying for a degree in networking, but the school along with ITT closed down. That's terrible on my part so you don't have to know a whole lot about that unless you look in to it yourself or if you want to know you can ask me anytime.

Thank you for your support and have and wonderful day. Comment if you wish if not that's okay.

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